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Tag: ottawa

Voler sous le ciel étoilé

Voler sous le ciel étoilé

Voler la nuit est un autre monde comparé au vol VFR de jour. L’air est plus calme et le trafic est beaucoup moindre. L’été, avec le soleil en moins, la température est plus confortable. Mais qui dit soleil en moins, dit aussi visibilité moindre. Ou du moins, visibilité différente. Le vol de nuit dissimule un charme bien spéciale qui nous permet de redécouvrir le vol sous un nouvel aspect. L’avion ne sait pas qu’il vole sous le soleil levé ou…

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Grassroots Tour with the Rockcliffe compadres

Grassroots Tour with the Rockcliffe compadres

Aviation groups get mingled with their members being in different associations, and it is all the better reason to join more than one! Without really intending to, I’m now a member of four different pilots associations, and it’s all great fun to meet a variety of aviators! This being said, without being a Rockcliffe member, I know a few of them and therefore Nicole, a fellow female pilot, invited me to join them for the classic Rockcliffe Grassroots Tour that…

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Be the change that you wish to see in the world

Be the change that you wish to see in the world

Not too long ago, it was the 2016 Woman in Aviation week (#WOAW16), a world-wide event where woman are invited to come forth and share their experience in aviation or experience flight in a light airplane for the first time, and more. Different events are taking place throughout the week. On March 12 I volunteered as a pilot, for the first time, to take girls up in the air to live their first experience of the joy of flying. Something…

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Winter Flying in a Cherokee

Winter Flying in a Cherokee

Some are mesmerized by flying in the Canadian winter. I read that they sort of know because they flew in cold weather too. (- 5 degrees celsius is by no means considered cold around here! By any extent.) The winter 2014-2015 was especially cold with the longer extreme cold strike. We had for like 30+ days in a row of temperature below -30 degrees celsius. If you are living a warm country and wondering how this is, let me tell…

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Choisir une école de pilotage

Choisir une école de pilotage

Si je pouvais revenir en arrière, je prendrais beaucoup plus de soin à choisir mon école de pilotage. Changer d’école en cours de formation, surtout vers la fin, est pas loin d’un cauchemar! Au minimum, dérangeant et irritant, sans oublier coûteux. En juin 2012, je me décide à fouiller sur Internet pour me renseigner sur les possibilités de prendre un cours de pilotage. Je n’ai aucune idée ce que ça demande ni combien ça coûte. Quelques recherches sur Google et…

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