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Tag: taildragger

Le Beaver The Bull – Une expérience de vol dans un avion de brousse

Le Beaver The Bull – Une expérience de vol dans un avion de brousse

La brousse attire plusieurs pilotes et alimentent l’imaginaire de bien d’autres. Certains osent s’y aventurer tandis que d’autres y rêvent. Le Beaver du fabricant canadien de Havilland est l’un des avions de brousse populaire. Du moins, nous pouvons dire qu’il est bien reconnu aussi bien parmi les pilotes que le grand public. BEAVER DHC-2 (extrait de La Presse+) Plus de 1600 Beaver ont été construits entre 1947 et 1968. Conçu au Canada et produit par Havilland, cet avion de brousse requiert…

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My Debut Into the World of Towing Gliders

My Debut Into the World of Towing Gliders

When pursuing a career in aviation many pilots build up their experience by towing gliders. I was attracted to it since seeing my first “towing” in September 2014 while attending the annual corn roast fly-in at Kars. I had flown in with my instructor-mentor-friend Joe in his beautiful Cessna 170. We were sitting in camping chairs at the far end of runway 26 while gliding activities were in progress. They would be zooming magnificently right over our heads, and obviously…

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A Feeling of Accomplishment

A Feeling of Accomplishment

As a pilot, I find that you always have an opportunity lurking around a cloud to learn something new, improve your current skills, or experience something new and exciting. Well, if you are interested. The challenges you put yourself up to can be limitless, or within your budget would probably be more accurate. It will be 5 years in June since I started flying. Every year since obtaining my licence in 2014, I have put challenges up on my “bucket”…

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